Nice article, but "you missed it by that much!" I don't know why this happens time and time again. Maybe we love to believe that everything was invented in America, or that we were at least the first to do something right. Sadly, we talk about race as a "social construct," but avoid pinpointing which social group and which builders constructed it. Even when we talk about race as an "invention," no one seems to want to point to the inventors. It's a really strange, disconcerting, and in some ways frightening mental game we seem to play in which we seem to be terrified of naming the inventors, even though everything else that gets invented has people climbing over themselves to win the patent rights. After reading this entire article, readers will still not know who invented race, and will still have the flat-out wrong idea that somehow the concept "just happened" at some intersection, like it was a car accident in the 1600s. That's wrong. The inventors absolutely can be pinpointed, named as the patent holders, and verified in a way that exposes the whole "Diversity" game for what it is. Why folks continue to hide it is a mystery. Or maybe not.