"Simply put, the research makes clear that racism is both a stressor and a mortality risk factor." Okay. This is not new. So, the question isn't whether or not this has been known. It's been known literally for ages. The only thing worse for a person than to be oppressed is to be told 'there's nothing you can do about it.' "Sympathetic dominance" has been described in very simple terms for decades. In the 1990s, one doctor explained the effects of oppression this way. "White drivers garage their vehicles at the end of the day. Black drivers park their cars at the curb and leave them running all night." The resulting wear and tear on engines and vehicular system tolls are clear enough. So we have another name, "sympathetic dominance," for what science has known for several millennia regarding the effects of oppression. It's brilliant. Naming yet another facet of the blood diamond is really cool. Is the next article going to tell us what, exactly, one does about that?