The concept of ROWE is new to me. Thanks for the expository post, David. Now I’ve got to go do more research to see where it fits in my world. Honestly, the idea that the whole world is going to shift to remote work is suddenly reminding me of the promises of the 80s promises that we’d have a cashless-checkless society by Y2K. We didn’t. But it could still happen, and we’re closer to it than ever, even as the bidet may finally be making its way into American culture. True, CV19 has changed a good many things, but not voluntarily. I’ve seen how business owners react to being told what to do by regulators. They comply for a while until they can work out how to circumvent it. The microbe is harshly regulating us right now. One good vaccine, though, Amazon may be closing a few warehouses as we get back to business as usual. Hitching the concept of ROWE to REMOTE is probably a mistake, as all work environments should be ROWE. What COVID19 has probably shown us most emphatically is that we’re going to have to redefine “results” very carefully. What that has usually meant in the past translates to profit/returns higher than the median net returns in the investor environment. Short term thinking like that has us all scrapping over everything from toilet paper to respirators in a global pandemic because inventory is seen as stranded profit. The results haven’t been pretty. ROWE sounds ideal; but unless results are humanized, we’re probably in for more of the same. Still, it’s a concept I’ll have to noodle on and see where it fits in some of the frames I use in my practice. Excellent, thought provoking, and timely. Thanks again.